Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Coffee - Modified 'Nityananda Spices' w Coconut Cream

Coffee - Modified 'Nityananda Spices' w Coconut Cream

So, I tried (and succeeded!) going cold turkey from coffee for about 10 days.  There was some protesting, but it wasn't too hard.  Now, I am having one a day, and not every day.  The method I have been trying at home is very tasty, so I've decided to blog about this simple concoction.  It is a modification of a recipe that Kit Laughlin shared with me - the Nityananda herbs (spices).  

Shown are the 3 herbs (spices) of the blend: Cinnamon; Cardamon & Nutmeg.  Also shown is a great little grinder I inherited from Kit (thanks man!).  I haven't actually be grinding beans for the last few coffees, as I have some cheap packet coffee I am using up.  

So, I pack 3 and a half scoops of coffee into the coffee-pot (in respect to the 3 and half times the kundalini is coiled at the base of the spine, of course..).  

Post ~15 second extraction (shown as title picture), I add some coconut cream.  Shown is the brand I found in the cupboard this time.. I think the best one I ever did used the Aroy-D brand of coconut milk/cream.  

On top of the this brew, you add the three herbs.  Largest portion cinnamon; next largest is nutmeg - and a sprinkle of cardamon (change up for your preference).  

Done.  I made one that looked much prettier (and was delicious) but didn't get a picture.  The above one was still far better than many I have paid for that used highly expensive coffee machines, so goes to show you can make great coffee with low-tech equipment.  

Thanks to Kit for sharing the secret 'erbs with me; and to Tanya, who I believe suggested coconut cream to me in my coffee.  :) 

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